Fiction on Friday 46: Glint

Anna Lodwick
Jun 2, 2023

He panned the spyglass over the valley, watching the play of shadow. The heather seemed to turn a deeper purple every time he looked. Something glinted.

The muscles in his back twitched and his hand went to his belt. He took a slow breath and very carefully swivelled the spyglass back a little way. Nothing.

He inched back from his vantage point. He knew this valley. Knew the gleam of light on water, the flash of lightning, the blazing green spot that sometimes appeared just at sunset. That metallic glint had been none of those things. Someone was out there.

Wordcount: 100

Prompt Word: Metallic



Anna Lodwick

Anna Lodwick is a freelance writer. She’s a lover of all things geeky, veraciously curious, registered blind and partly made out of titanium