Fiction on Friday 49: The Beach Towel

Anna Lodwick
Jun 23, 2023

She found the beach towel wedged at the back of the airing cupboard.

It had been washed so often that its original deep purple had faded to a mirky lilac, most of its fluff had worn away and its hems were ancient history. If she held it up to the window, she was sure she’d see daylight shining through it.

But it was The Beach Towel. It had come on childhood adventures, served as an emergency blanket in a freezing hostel in Norway and -carefully folded -cushioned pressures souvenirs on many a homeward journey. So, into the suitcase it went.

Wordcount: 100

Prompt Word: lilac



Anna Lodwick

Anna Lodwick is a freelance writer. She’s a lover of all things geeky, veraciously curious, registered blind and partly made out of titanium