Fiction on Friday 50: Fairy House

Anna Lodwick
Jul 7, 2023

She stumbled into the kitchen. As predicted, it had been impossible to get the girls to go to sleep. Sleepovers! Never again.

The kitchen table was still strewn with the cardboard off-cuts, tubes of glue and sparkly odds and sods they’d used to create a fairy house last night. Some glitter caught her eye. It was a pearlescent violet and lying in a delicate snail’s trail, leading from the edge of the table to their creation. Odd. Usually, it ended up scattered everywhere…

She turned away to put the kettle on. When she turned back, the shimmering trail had vanished.

Wordcount: 100

Prompt word: None this week



Anna Lodwick

Anna Lodwick is a freelance writer. She’s a lover of all things geeky, veraciously curious, registered blind and partly made out of titanium