Fiction on Friday 51: Luck

Anna Lodwick
Jul 28, 2023

“What’s this?” Nina asked, emerging from the shed.

Claire peered at what her little niece was holding.

“A lucky horseshoe. People would hang them on walls so that good things would happen.”

“It doesn’t look very lucky,” Nina said, running her fingers over the dents and rusty patches.

“Careful! if you hold it upside down, the luck will fall out,” Claire warned.

Nina pondered this for a moment, then upended the horseshoe.

“Don’t you want to be lucky?” Claire asked.

“I don’t need it,” Nina said. “Now the luck can go out into the world and find someone who does.”

Wordcount: 100

Prompt word: None this week



Anna Lodwick

Anna Lodwick is a freelance writer. She’s a lover of all things geeky, veraciously curious, registered blind and partly made out of titanium