Introducing Fiction on Fridays

Anna Lodwick
2 min readMay 27, 2022

Welcome to Fiction on Fridays!

On Fridays I post a piece of flash fiction (basically, a very short short story). It could be any genre and any topic — really anything that popped into my brain and said hello.

I post most Fridays, though unfortunately life gets on top of me now and again and I have to skip a week.


Well, I find working on these mini stories is a fun way to get back in touch with my creativity if I’m feeling overwhelmed with larger projects. I’ve gathered quite a collection of them by doing this and it seemed a shame to let them gather dust on my hard drive.


The label ‘flash fiction’ is generally applied to any story that’s under a thousand words, though there are other definitions out there. I’ll be sticking to that sub-thousand rule here but most of my work is a lot shorter.

Many of my stories are drabbles: stories of exactly 100 words (no more, no less). There’s just something about having to be so precise that I find captivating.

Sometimes I use a prompt to get my imagination going. This often involves using a random number generator to pick a page, line and word from a book I have to hand. I then use that word to inspire the story. Where I’ve done this, I’ll include the word in the post.

Genre-wise, you’ll likely find a little bit of everything here. I have a massive soft spot for fantasy and sci-fi, though I dabble in romance, mystery, realistic fiction and all points in between.

All stories will be SFW and appropriate for a general audience.

Feel free to share the posts but please don’t repost/copy all or part of them without my permission.


Okay, so I just put this here because I like this lil question-heading thing I’ve got going on but….

Hi there, I’m Anna! I’m a freelance writer, would-be novelist and unsquashable dreamer. I hope you enjoy these tiny fictional flashes.



Anna Lodwick

Anna Lodwick is a freelance writer. She’s a lover of all things geeky, veraciously curious, registered blind and partly made out of titanium